Dr. Lauren H. Howard
Franklin & Marshall College

Padberg, M., Thiele, M., Wang, D., Hanus, D., Maurtis, L., Howard, L., Wiessman, G., Eckert, J., Haun, D. (in press). Social attention increases object memory in adult but not infant great apes. Animal Behaviour.
Howard, L. H., Waters, F. F., & Gerson, S. A. (2024). Social models influence visual perspective taking in memory. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1-11.
Howard, L.H., Wilson, J., Langer, A., & Marshall, P. (2024). Draw a robot task: The influence of children's age and drawings on robot interactions. In: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication.
Cuffari, E., Howard, L.H., Reilly, A., Belka, A., & Samson, K. (2024). A little goes a long way: How gesture visibility in video lectures impacts attention and learning, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2262-2269. [PDF]
Yang, T., Langer, A., Howard, L., Marshall, P. ,Wilson, J. (2023).Towards An Ontology for Generating Behaviors for Socially Assistive Robots Helping Young Children”. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Human-Robot Interaction. Best Paper Award. [PDF]
ManyPrimates et al. (2022). The evolution of primate short-term memory. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 9(4), 428-516. [PDF]
Howard, L.H. & Decety, J. (2022). A cognitive neuroscience perspective on moral development. In M. Killen and J. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Development. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Howard, L. H. & Lonsdorf, E.V. (2022). The eyes have it: Using non-invasive eye tracking to advance comparative social cognition research. In Primate Cognitive Studies. Cambridge University Press.
Flanagan, T., Rottman, J., & Howard, L.H. (2021). Constrained choice: Children's and adults' attribution of choice to a humanoid robot. Cognitive Science, 45(10), e13043. [PDF]
Wakefield, E., Novack, M., Congdon, E., & Howard, L.H. (2021). Individual differences in gesture interpretation predict children's propensity to pick a gesturer as a good informant. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 205, 105069.
Hopper, L., Gulli, R., Howard, L. H., Kano, F., Krupenye, C., Ryan, A., Paukner, A. (2020). The application of noninvasive restraint-free eye tracking methods for use with nonhuman primates. Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-020-01465-6
Hopper, L., Jacobson, S., & Howard, L.H. (2020). The development of flexible problem solving in young children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104966
Wakefield, E., Novack, M., Congdon, E., & Howard, L.H. (2020). Is she a good teacher? Children learn to use gestures as a marker of a good informant. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515245919900809
Howard, L.H., & Woodward, A. (2019). Human actions support infant memory. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20(5), 772-789.
Howard, L.H., Riggins, T., & Woodward, A. (2019). Learning from others: The effects of agency of event memory in young children. Child Development. doi: 10.1111/cdev.13303.
Lonsdorf, E.V., Engelbret, L & Howard, L.H. (2019). Same-sex attentional preferences in capuchin monkeys. American Journal of Primatology. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22998 [PDF]
Flanagan, T., Rottman, J., & Howard, L.H. (2019). Do Children Ascribe the Ability to Choose to Humanoid Robots? Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Montreal, Canada. [PDF]
Howard, L.H., Festa, C., & Lonsdorf, E. (2018). Through their eyes: The influence of social models on attention and memory in capuchin monkeys. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 13(2), 210-109.
Chirls, J., Kaplan, M., Gebre-Ab, Y., Ortiz, M., & Howard, L.H. (2018). Shaping Perceptions by Hand: The Influence of Motor Fluency on Facial Expression Perception. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, Wisconsin. [PDF]
Liberman, Z., Howard, L., Vasquez, N., Woodward, A. (2018). Children's expectations about conventional and moral behaviors of ingroup and outgroup members. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 165, 7-18. [PDF]
Howard, L., Wagner, K., Woodward, A., Ross, S., Hopper, L. (2017). Social models enhance apes memory for novel events. Scientific Reports, 7, 40926. [PDF]
Howard, L., Henderson, A., Carrazza, C. & Woodward, A. (2014). Infants’ and young children's imitation of linguistic ingroup and outgroup informants. Child Development. [PDF]
Howard, L., Carrazza, C., & Woodward, A. (2014). Neighborhood linguistic diversity predicts infants’ social learning. Cognition. [PDF]
Decety, J., & Howard, L. (2014). A neurodevelopmental perspective on morality. In M. Killen and J. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Decety, J., & Howard, L. (2014). Emotion, morality, and the developing brain. In M. Mikulincer and P. Shaver (Eds.), Mechanisms of Social Connection: From Brain to Group. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Decety, J. & Howard, L. (2013) The role of affect in the neurodevelopment of morality. Child Development Perspectives, 7, 49-54. [PDF]
Barr, R., Shuck, L., Salerno, K., Atkinson, E., & Linebarger, D. (2010). Music interferes with learning from television during infancy. Infant and Child Development, 19, 313-331.
Conference Presentations
Howard, L.H., Langer, A., Wilson, J., Marshall, P. (2024). “Early learning and social interactions with robot and human teachers”. Talk presented at the 2024 meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development in Lisbon, Portugal.
Howard, L.H., Gerson. S. (2024). “Visual perspective taking in early child memory”. Poster presented at the 2024 meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development in Lisbon, Portugal.
Howard, L.H., (2024). Panel speaker: “Developmental Science at Non-R1 Institutions: Collaborative Strategies for Success”. Conference workshop at the 2024 meeting of the Cognitive Development Society.
Padberg, M., Eckert, J., Wang, D., Thiele, M., Howard, L.H., Wiesmann, C., Haun, D. (2023). “Don’t you (forget about me): Investigating the development of the social memory effect in great apes”. To be presented at the 2023 meeting of the International Primatological Society/Malaysian Primatolgoical Society in Borneo, Malaysia.
Howard, L.H., Schutt, M., Wang, S, Wakefield, E., Novack, M., & Congdon, E. (2023). “Children use communicative gesture to determine social affiliation”. Poster presented at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Haneda, R., Lewis, M., Shaw, M., Howard, L.H., Shneidman, L. (2023). “Does the observation of conventional object use limit exploration in preschool children?” Poster to be presented at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Padberg, M., Eckert, J., Wang, D., Thiele, M., Howard, L.H., Wiesmann, C., Haun, D. (2022). “Don’t you (forget about me): Investigating the development of the social memory effect in great apes”. Poster presented at the meeting of the European Federation of Primatology / the Gesellschaft für Primatologie, Arnhem, NL.
Howard, L.H., Casler, K., Huttchins, N., Batchelder, H., Lin, T. (2022). “Social context and functional fixedness in early development”. Poster presented at the meetings of the Cognitive Development Society in Madison, WI.
Dautrich, A., DePasquale, O., & Howard, L.H. (2022) “Facial emotion processing development amid the COVID-19 pandemic”. Poster presented at the meetings of the International Congress for Infant Studies in Ottawa, Ontario.
Padberg, M., Eckert, J., Wang, D., Thiele, M., Howard, L.H., Wiesmann, C., Haun, D. (2022) “Don’t you (Forget about me): The development of social memory effects in great apes”. Poster presented at the meetings of the EFP-GfP in Arnhem, Netherlands.
Hopper, L., Jacobson, S., & Howard, L.H. (2020) “An ontogenetic and comparative perspective on primate cognitive flexibility: a Problem-solving study with children (homo sapiens) and zoo-housed apes (gorilla gorilla and pan troglodytes)”. Talk presented at the meeting of the American Society of Primatologists.
Congdon, E.., Wakefield, E., Howard, L.H., & Novack, M. (2019) “Is She a Good Teacher? Children Learn to Use Representational Gesture as a Marker of a Good Informant”. Poster presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society in Louisville, KY.
Park, Y.J., Hutchins, N., Waters, F., Jacobson, S., Hopper, L., & Howard, L.H. (2019) “The Development of Flexible Problem Solving in Young Children”. Poster presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society in Louisville, KY.
Flanagan, T., Rottman, J., & Howard, L.H. (2019). “Do Children Ascribe the Ability to Choose to Humanoid Robots?”. Talk presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Montreal, Canada.
Flanagan, T., Rottman, J., & Howard, L.H. (2019). “Children's Attribution of Free Will to a Humanoid Robot”. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Baltimore, MD.
Howard, L.H. & Woodward, A.L. (2018). “The role of motor experience on social learning in infants and young children”. Talk presented at the International Conference of Infant Studies in Philadelphia, PA.
Howard, L.H. (2018) “The influence of perspective taking and motor activation on children’s event memory”. Talk presented at the Jean Piaget Society meeting in Amsterdam, NL.
Howard, L.H., Flanagan, T., Waters, F., & Liberman, Z. (2017). “Children’s memory for the moral and conventional actions of ingroup and outgroup members”. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society meeting in Portland, OR.
Howard, L.H., Kolb, E.M., Rodriguez, H., & Shneidman, L. (2017) “Children’s transmission of directed vs. observed actions from video”. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society meeting in Portland, OR.
Howard, L.H., Liberman, Z., Vasquez, N.M., & Woodward, A.L. (2017) “The Role of Linguistic Group Membership in Conventional and Moral Action Attributions”. Talk to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Hee Han, C., Walden, Z.T. Gerson, S., & Howard, L.H. (2017) “Spontaneous Spatial Perspective Taking in Children and Adults”. Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Howard, L.H., Hopper, L., Wagner, K., Ross, S., & Woodward, A.L. (2016) “Exploring Social Learning Via Eye Tracking Methodologies in Chimpanzees, Gorillas, & Human Infants”. Talk presented at the meeting of the International Primate Society, Chicago, IL.
Howard, L.H., & Woodward, A.L. (2016) “The Effect of Action Priming on Children’s Event Memory”. Talk presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Howard, L.H., Hopper, L., Ross, S., & Woodward, A.L. (2016) “Social Memory Biases in Infants and Apes”. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Congress of Infants Studies, New Orleans, LA.
Howard, L.H. & Woodward, A.L. (2015). “Human Action Supports Event Memory in Infancy”. Poster presented at the meetings of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH.
Vasquez, N., Howard, L.H., & Woodward, A.L. (2015). Action Priming and Agency: Effects on Event Recall in Young Children. Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Hopper, L., Howard, L.H., Woodward, A.L., & Whiten, A. (2014). Learning Socially: The Role of Agency in Learning by Chimpanzees and Children. Talk presented at the meetings of the International Primatological Society, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Howard, L.H., & Woodward, A.L. (2014). “The Effects of Agency and Intentionality on Infant Memory.” Poster presented at the International Conference for Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany.
Howard, L.H. & Woodward, A.L. (2014). “Learning from Others: The Importance of Action in Young Children’s Memory.” Poster presented at the International Conference for Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany.
Howard, L., Owens, W., Merlo, C., & Woodward, A. (2013). “Agency effects memory in 9-month-old infants”. Poster presented at the meetings of the Cognitive Development Society, Memphis, TN.
Howard, L. & Woodward, A.L. (2013). “Learning from others: Effects of agency on event memory in children.” Talk presented at the meetings of the Cognitive Development Society, Memphis, TN. (Symposium Organizer)
Carrazza, C., Howard, L.H., & Woodward, A. (2013). “Selective imitation of linguistic ingroup members: Differences in learning from live vs. video demonstrations.” Poster presented at the meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, IL.
Carrazza, C., Howard, L.H., & Woodward, A. (2013). “Neighborhood Effects on Infants' Learning From Linguistic In- and Outgroup Models.” Poster presented at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Woodward, A., Howard, L., & Krogh-Jespersen, S. (2013). “Babies, Space and Intentions.” Invited talk presented at the University of California, San Diego.
Howard, L., Tran, T., Mazza, D., & Woodward, A. (2012). “Agentive memory in early childhood.” Talk presented at the Perceiving and Conceiving Agents conference, Nashville, TN.
Woodward, A., Howard, L., & Shneidman, L. (2012). “Infants’ learning from others: Effects of direct engagement and social group status.” Symposium presented at the meetings of the International Society of Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN.
Howard, L., Carrazza, C., Lee, S., & Woodward, A. (2012). “Do social preferences influence learning? Age-related differences in the imitation of linguistic group members.” Poster presented at meetings of the International Society of Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN.
Howard, L., Merlo, C., & Woodward, A. (2012) “The effects of agency on attention and memory in 3-year-old children.” Poster presented at the Tobii Eyetrackids Meeting: Eye Tracking Methodology in Child and Infant Research, Minneapolis, MN.
Howard, L., Woodward, A., & Riggins, T. (2012) “The effects of agency on sequential memory in 3-year-old children: Combining behavior and event-related potentials.” Poster presented at the meeting of the Mirror Neuron System, College Park, MD.
Howard, L., Woodward, A., & Riggins, T. (2012) “The effects of agency on sequential memory in 3-year-old children: Combining behavior and event-related potentials.” Poster presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Chicago, IL.
Carazza, C., Lee, S., Howard, L., & Woodward, A. (2011) “Do Social Preferences Influence Learning? Age-related Differences in Imitation Based on Language.” Poster presented at the 21st Annual Tri-State Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Rockford, IL.
Howard, L., Miller, M., & Woodward, A. (2011). “Effects Of Linguistic Group On Selective Imitation In Infants.” Poster presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Philadelphia, PA,.
Howard, L., & Woodward, A. (2011). “The Effects of Agency on Sequential Memory in 3-year-olds”. Poster presented at the meeting of Functions and Development of the Mirror Neuron System, College Park, MD.
Howard, L., Gorden, N., & Woodward, A. (2011). “The Effects of Agency on Sequential Memory in 3-year-olds”. Poster presented at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, CA, 2011.
Shuck, L., Henderson, A., & Woodward, A. (2010). “Infants Imitate Irrelevant Actions Regardless of Linguistic Group Presentation”. Poster presented at the meetings of the International Society of Infant Studies, Baltimore, Maryland.
Gerson, S., Shuck, L.H., & Woodward, A.L. (2009). “Finding the Goals that Structure Events”. Poster presented at the meetings of the Cognitive Development Society, San Antonio, Texas.
Zack, B., Barr, R., Shuck, L., Sperle, E., Shroff, G., Dickerson, K., Miller, S., Gerhardstein, P., Meltzoff, A. (2008). “Infants fail at a transfer of learning task from 2D to 3D and 3D to 2D”. Poster presented at the meetings of the International Society of Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Shivers, E., Nugent, C., Ryan, M., Shuck, L., Barr, R. (2008). “Media use in infant/toddler child care setting: Differences across arrangements, family income, and culture”. Poster presented at the meetings of the International Society of Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Barr, R., Shuck, L., Salerno, K., Atkinson, E., Linebarger, D. (2008). “Background music interferes with imitation from televised and live demonstrations during infancy”. Poster presented at the meetings of the International Society of Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Svetlova, M., Nichols, S., Shuck, L. & Brownell, C. (2007). "What's mine is mine and what's yours is…": Development of sharing in toddlers. Poster presented at the meetings of Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.